Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Assignment 1 - Research on Carrie Furnace

* Dates of opening and closing -  1907 - 1978

* How it originated -  The Fownes Brothers owned Carrie Furnace in the 1880's and then it was acquired by Andrew Carnegie in 1898.

* What was produced -  Iron was produced for Homestead Works

* What was it like to work there -  It was full of life.  Hundreds of people worked there around the clock making iron that was forged into steel across the river.

* What is left at this point from the original structure -  Furnaces 6 and 7 along the Hot Metal Bridge.

* Any recent news about CF (within the last year) - Hard Hat Tours begun in 2011 for people interested in the history of Carrie Furnace.

* One word you would use to describe Carrie Furnace (title of my post) -  Historic

* What do you think will be the most interesting aspect of the visit -  To see what is left of Carrie Furnace on site and to capture some good photographs.

* An image of CF, old or new, that you really like -